Although Jim doesn't have deep pockets, he'll give you his shirt off his back when you are in serious trouble. (译⽂:虽然Jim 不是很有钱,但当你处于困难时他会竭尽所能的帮你。)
这⾥have deep pockets意思是有钱,财⼒雄厚。有⼀个深深的⼝袋,也许别⼈就认为能装下很多钱吧,所以⼈们常⽤它来来形容⼀个⼈很有钱,财⼒雄厚。To have deep pockets means to have a lot of money. For example:
“I don't have deep pockets, son, you have to pull up your sockets and tighten your belt in order to take off your career.” (译⽂:“我不是很有钱,⼉⼦,你必须奋发图强,勒紧腰带才能使你的事业腾飞。” )
下⾯我们来看⼀看今天要学习的第⼆个⽚语:be in someone's pocket. 从字⾯上看,这个⽚语的意思是“在某⼈的⼝袋⾥”,演变为被某⼈掌控、控制。什么情况下可以⽤呢?⽐如别⼈叫你泄露你所在公司的秘密并给了你许多钱,说只泄露⼀次。你照做了,并收了钱。不久他⼜叫你再作⼀次,不然的话就要告诉你的公司。这下你不得不做,你就be in his pocket了。Be in one's pocket refers to someone who is controlled or strongly influenced by others in authority, and willing to dowhatever they want.
先看看下⾯的例⼦,之前,先看⼀个⽣词:badger hat,它的意思是:腐败分⼦。
They gave the badger hat more money, and he did anything they called him to. He was totally in their pocket. (译⽂:他们给了这腐败者许多钱,他做了他们叫他做的所有事。他完全被他掌控了。)
这样的⼈我觉得很悲哀,俗话说不做亏⼼事,不怕⿁叫门(A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder).凭良⼼说(in all
conscience),只有做诚实的⼈,⼲诚实的事我们才能活得⾃在,活得潇洒。所谓⽣死有命,富贵在天(dying is as natural asliving), 说的就是这个道理。所以做⾃⼰该做的事,就不怕be in others' pocket了。再看⼀个例句吧! Vinny had set a trap for Gord. Now Gord was in Vinny's pocket and had to do whatever Vinny wanted. (Vinny设了⼀个圈套给 Gord, 现在Gord被掌控了,不得不做Vinny想象要他做的所有事情。)
结束语:今天我们⼀共学习了两个⽚语,⼀个是have deep pockets,很深的⼝袋可以装下不少钱呢,所以⽤来表达“有钱,财⼒雄厚”的意思。另⼀个是in someone's pocket,在⼈家⼝袋⾥,不就任⼈宰割吗?所以它的意思是“被某⼈完全操控着”。另外,在例句中我们还巩固了前⾯⼏讲所涉及的⽚语以及新介绍了⼀些谚语。pull up one's socks奋发图强,tighten one's belt勒紧腰带。不做亏⼼事,不怕⿁叫门A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.⽣死有命,富贵在天dying is as natural as living.