1.为了帮助我国纺织服装企业渡过金融危机,经国务院批准,从2009年2月1日起,将纺织品、服装出口退税率提高到( C )。 A.11% B.13% C.15% D.17% 2.( B )检验的结果往往依赖于检验人员的经验,并有较大的波动性。 A.物理 B.感官 C.化学 D.显微镜
3.对产地和报关地相一致的出境货物,经检验检疫合格的,出入境检验检疫局出具( A )。 A.《出境货物通关单》 B.《出境货物换证凭单》 C.《出境货物换证凭条》 D.《出境货物不合格通知单》
4.属于D/P支付方式下单据审核依据的是( C )。 A.L/C B.UCP600 C.外贸合同 D.ISBP
5.不适合逐笔核销的是( C )。 A.出口收汇高风险企业 B.差额核销
C.来料加工项下的出口收汇 D.无法全额收汇的出口收汇
6.Bidding Documents是由( A )编制的。 A.招标人 B.投标人 C.开标人 D.评审专家
7.进口许可证最多只能延期( B )次,延期最长不超过( )个月。 A.1、2 B.1、3 C.2、6 D.2、9
8.在下列贸易术语中,应该由买方办理出口手续的是( B )。 A.FOB B.EXW C.FAS D.FCA
9.在海运过程中,被保险货物被海盗劫持造成的损失属于( B )。
A.实际全损 B.推定全损 C.共同海损 D.单独海损 10.出口商在货物装船取得提单后未能及时到银行议付,该提单将成为( C )。 A.顺签提单 B.倒签提单 C.过期提单 D.预借提单
11.无须提示承兑的汇票是( D )。 A.定日付款的汇票
B.出票后定期付款的汇票 C.见票后定期付款的汇票 D.见票即付的汇票
12.属于委托代售的贸易方式的是( C )。 A.代理 B.经销 C.寄售 D.回购
13.加工贸易合同审批的主管部门是( C )。 A.国务院 B.国家发改委 C.商务部 D.海关
14.下列关于加工贸易登记手册代码说法正确的是( B )。 A.A电代表子手册 B.B代表来料加工 C.C代表设备 D.D代表进料加工 15.《欧洲经济共同体产品责任指令》对产品责任实行( B )。 A.过失责任原则 B.无过失责任原则 C.公平责任原则 D.过错推定责任原则
16.注册商标的专用权,是以核准注册的商标和核定使用的商品为限,有限期为( C )年。 A.3 B.6 C.10 D.15
17.在进出口贸易中,知识产权权利人发现侵权嫌疑货物后可以直接向( C )申请扣留。 A.政府 B.人民法院
C.口岸海关 D.商务部 18.根据进出口贸易风险的性质划分,分为静态风险和动态风险,前者属于( A )风险,后者属于( )风险。 A.不可回避/可回避 B.不可回避/不可回避 C.可回避/可回避 D.可回避/不可回避
19.假远期信用证中贴现费用由( A )支付。 A.开证申请人 B.受益人 C.开证行 D.通知行
20.空运货物的货物体积÷体积重量=( D )m3/kg。 A.6 B.0.6 C.0.06 D.0.006
21.What is the term when the consignment is delivered with all the charges up to arrival at the port of destination paid by the seller.( D ) A.FOB B.FCA
22.When the seller pays for all charges up to an including the loading of a consignment on board the carrying vessel, the term is ( C ). A.DDU B.FCA
23.Financial documents include the following except ( B ). A.promissory notes B.bills of lading C.checks D.draft
24.A bank opens an L/C at the request of the importer. It is a (an)( A ). A.issuing bank. B.applicant C.seller D.informing bank
25.The basic functions of a bill of lading is (are)( D ).
A.a receipt for the goods which evidences the taking-over or loading by the carrier B.an evidence of contract of carriage between the carrier and the shipper. C.a document of title to goods.
D.All of the above.
26.What is the name given to the sum of money which a person agrees to pay to an insurance company?( D ) A.compensation B.commission C.insurance value D.premium
27.The risk of breakage is considered to be the ( C ). A.Free of Particular Average B.With Average
C.General additional risks D.Special additional risks
28.If the seller finds any discrepancies in the letter of credit, whom does he write to asking for an amendment?( C ). A.The issusing bank B.The advising bank C.The applicant D.The negotiating bank
29.Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ( B ). A.The issusing bank B.The advising bank
C.The confirming bank D.The negotiating bank
30. Which of the following payment mode may bring the lowest risk to a seller?( A ).
A.T/T in advance B.L/C
Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:
The exporter, as drawer of a draft (bill of exchange), hands the draft to his bank, the remitting bank, who in turn forwards it to the buyer through a collecting bank in the buyer’s country. A draft (also called a bill) is a written order to a bank or a customer to pay someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future a certain sum of money. If shipping documents accompany the draft, the collection is called “documentary collection.”
Documentary collection falls into two major categories: one is documents against payment(D/P); the other, documents against acceptance (D/A).
Documents against payment, as the term suggests, is that the collecting bank will only give the shipping documents representing the title to the goods on the condition that the buyer makes payment.
Where the paying arrangement is D/A, the collecting bank will only give the buyer
the shipping documents after buyer’s acceptance of the bill drawn on him, i.e. the buyer signs his name on the bill promising to pay the sum when it matures. In return he gets what he needs – the shipping documents.
Under D/A, the seller gives up the title to the goods – shipping documents before he gets payment of the goods. Therefore, an exporter must think twice before he accepts such paying arrangement.
31.Under D/P , the importer can obtain the goods only by( D ). A.showing the bill of lading B.signing on the bill of exchange C.paying in cash
D.paying or accepting the bill of exchange
32.Under D/A , the importer can gets what he needs – the shipping documents only by( C ).
A.showing the bill of lading B.paying in cash
C.making acceptance of the bill of exchange D.paying the bill of exchange
33. A draft can be described as followings except( B ). A.a bill of exchange
B.a kind of shipping documents C.a bill
D.a written paying order
34.In a transaction, if payment is made by collection, then the remitting bank is always located in( A ) A.Seller’s country B.Buyer’s country C.Either A or B D.None of the above
35.The meaning of D/A is( A ). A.documents against acceptance B.documents against payment C.delivery after payment D.cash against payment
Questions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:
Against this background, the WTO faces several daunting challenges. The first is to continue bringing down tariffs on traded goods. Average penalties have fallen steadily since the GATT’s formation but even the most open economies retain lofty barriers: for instance, America still charges a tariff of 14.6% on import of clothing, five times higher than its average levy.
Resistance to tariff cuts is strongest in agriculture. According to Tim Josling, a trade expert at Stanford University, tariffs and other barriers on farm goods average a crippling 40% worldwide and create distortions that “destroy huge amounts of value”. A new set of global farm talk is planned to start in 1999. At the least, you might think, these could lock in impressive reforms in Latin America and encourage further watering-down of the
European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy. But they will prove difficult: squabbles over agriculture almost sank the Uruguay round. 36.What does the WTO face?( D ) A.fair trade rules. B.free trade
C.export tax reduction. D.several challenges.
37.Where does impressive reforms lock in according to the passage?( C ). A.America B.Asia
C.Latin America D.Africa
38.According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?.( B ). A.The WTO faces several daunting challenges, one of which is to continue bringing down tariffs on traded goods.
B.America still charges a tariff of 14.6% on import of clothing, four times higher than its average levy.
C.The strongest resistance to tariff cuts is in agriculture field.
D.A trade expert said that tariffs and other barriers on farm goods averaged a crippling 40% worldwide.
39.When is a new set of global farm talks planned to start?( D ). A.1980 B.1990 C.2001
D.at the end of 20th century
40.The best title for the passage is( D ). A.NEW TRADE RULES B.UNFAIR TRADE RULES
二、多项选择题(每小题1.5分,共15分,多选或少选均不得分) 1.在下列术语中,风险转移的界线在买方所在国家的有( BC ) A.FCA B.DES C.DDU D.CIP
2.在我国海洋运输货物保险业务中,适用“仓至仓”条款的险别是( ABC )。 A.ALL RISKS B.W.A or W.P.A C.F.P.A
3.贸易术语中,( BD )风险划分以货交第一承运人为界,并适用于各种运输方式。 A.FAS B.CPT C.CIF D.CIP
4.报关程序按时间先后可以分为三个阶段:前期阶段.进出境阶段.手续阶段。其中,在进出境阶段包括( ABD )等环节。 A.申报 B.缴纳税费 C.备案 D.配合查验
5.边境贸易主要分为( ABC )。 A.边民互市贸易 B.边境民间贸易 C.边境地方贸易 D.边境官方贸易
6.加工贸易的基本流程包括(ABCD )。 A.签订合同 B.合同审批及备案 C.进出口报关 D.合同执行
7.专利权是指依照法律规定,由国家专利机关,目前是国家知识产权局,授予发明人、设计人或者其所布单位,在一定期限内对某项发明创造享有的专有权,具有( BCD )。 A.盈利性 B.排他性 C.地域性 D.时间性
8.原产地规则的适用范围包括( ABCD )。 A.国别贸易统计 B.差别关税的计征
C.进口配额管理 D.原产地标记监管
9.HS编码中,“章”的编排原则有( ABCD )。 A.商品原材料的属性原则 B.加工程度的原则
C.商品的用途或性能的原则 D.注释的原则
10.客户细分是客户管理科学化的必要组成部分,其优点在于( BCD )。 A.有利于将客户记住,不易流失
B. 有利于选择目标客户和制定有针对性的营销策略 C.有利于发掘市场机会,开拓新市场
1.当发现进口货物与合同不符时,代理进口的外贸企业有权直接对国外出口商起诉。( × )
2.在FOB贸易术语、L/C支付方式的进口业务中,开证申请工作一般是在租船订舱工作之后。 ( × )
3.还盘是受盘人以发盘人的地位向原发盘人提出的新发盘。 ( √ ) 4.“出口国检验,进口国复检”是外贸实践中最常见的检验权规定方法。 ( √ ) 5.根据UCP600的规定,允许受益人对信用证修改的内容部分接受。 ( × ) 6.合同中规定装运时间为2009年4/5月份装运,则卖方在交货时应在4月、5月每月各交一批。 ( × )
7.根据《URC522》规定,未经银行事先同意,货物不能直接发给银行,也不能做成以银行为收货人的记名提单。否则,由发货人自行承担货物的风险和责任。 ( √ ) 8.信用证业务中,开证行负第一性付款责任,保兑行负第二性付款责任。 ( × ) 9.补偿贸易与延期付款的根本区别在于设备供应方必须承诺回购产品或劳务的义务。 ( √ )
10.进料加工贸易由于其本身的特点,进料加工贸易合同一般包括进口料件合同、出口成品合同等。 ( √ )
11.知识产权权利人发现侵权嫌疑货物后必须要事先将其知识产权向海关总署备案。( × )
12.出口押汇申请人一般是跟单信用证的受益人。 ( √ ) 13.保付代理业务属于银行信用。 ( × )
14.As per UCP600, the words “to”, “till”, “from”, “between” when used to determine a period of shipment include the date or dates mentioned, the words “before” and “after” exclude the date mentioned. ( √ ) 15.The collecting bank may release the documents against the buyer’s acceptance of a sight draft on documents against acceptance basis. ( × ) 四、简答题(每小题5分,共20分)
4.请简述所交货物与合同不符的买方救济。 ①减少价金(即价格减让);②要求卖方交付替代货物;③要求卖方修补货物;④拒收部分货物。
五、案例分析题(每小题5分,共10分) 1.我国丽人集团公司以CIF价格术语向北欧出口一批货物,并于货物交运前卖方及时投保了一切险和战争险,货物在索马里海域附件遭遇海盗抢劫,船员与海盗进行了抗争,但仍有部分货物被抢走。试分析说明:(1)被抢走的货物属于什么海损?为什么?(2)应该由买方还是卖方向保险公司索赔?为什么?(3)保险公司是否应该赔偿?为什么?
(2)若卖方履行交货、结算货款已将保险单转让给买方时,应由买方向保险公司索赔;否则,由卖方向保险公司索赔。 (3)保险公司应该赔偿,因为外贸公司已投保战争险,海盗行为视为战争风险。 2.2007年底,江西华帮进出口有限公司以CIF条件向美国COLUMBIA COMPANY出口一批陶瓷,要求装运前电汇预付20%合同款,余款用海运提单日后60天延期信用证支付。收到的SWIFT开信用证中单据规定:“商业发票一式两份;全套(full set)清洁已装船提单注明“运费预付”,做成空白指示抬头,空白背书;保险单一式两份,根据中国人民保险公司2001年1月1日海洋运输货物保险条款投保一切险和战争险。” 江西华帮进出口有限公司按信用证规定如期装运,并在交单期内向议付行交单议付,议付行随即向开证行寄单索偿。开证行收到单据后,来电表示拒绝付款,其理由是单证存在下列不符点:(1)商业发票的金额超过信用证金额;(2)正本提单是一份组成,不符合全套要求。次日,开证行又补充了一个不符点:保险单的出单日期晚于装运日期。试分析开证行的拒付理由是否成立,并说明理由。